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o Roots of Creation o Roots Vibration (Dominica) o Roots Vibration
o Rootvälta (Sweden) o Rootz Underground o Royal Sounds (UK)
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o Tanya Mullings o Tanya Stephens o Tariii
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o Tenza (UK) o The Abyssinians o The Aggrolites
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o The Dubbeez o The Elements o The Ethiopians
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o The Heptones o The Human Rights (Canada) o The Itals
o The Lambsbread o The Lambsbread o The Lions
o The Meditations o The Melodians o The Melody Makers
o The Mighty Diamonds o The Overtakers o The Rasta Alchemist
o The Reggae Bubblers (VI) o The Right Band o The Skatalites
o The Slackers o The Tamlins o The Uprising Band
o The Wailers o Thicker Than Thieves o Thiecko (Senegal)
o Third World o ThreePeace o Thriller U
o Through The Roots o Tiger o Tiken Jah Fakoly (Ivory Coast)
o Tilibop o Tinga Stewart o Tippa Irie
o Tjupi Band o T.O.K. o Tony Chin
o Tony Curtis o Tony D Clutcheye o Tony Matterhorn
o Tony Rankin o Tony Rebel o Toots & The Maytals
o Trait d'Union o Tribal Seeds o Tribo de Jah (Brazil)
o Triston Palma o Tuff Lion o Turbulence
o Turtleman o Twiggi o Twinkle Brothers
o UB40 (Ali) o UB40 (Robin) o Umojah Nation
o Umoya o Up Stream o Uprising Roots
o Urban Dread o Urban Lions (UK) o U-Roy
o Uwe Banton (Germany) o Vegitation o Verse iTal (Trinidad)
o Vibronics o Victor Essiet & The Mantadors o Vince Black
o Voicemail o Vybz Kartel o Wadi Gad
o Wailing Souls o Ward 21 o Warrior King
o Watusi o Wayne Marshall o Wayne Stoddart
o Wayne Wonder o Weege o Well Charged (CAN)
o Whispering Lion o Willi Williams o Wingless Angels
o Winston Jarrett o Winston McAnuff o Winstrong
o XXXX o Yaadcore o Yabba Griffiths
o Yami Bolo o Yasus Afari o Yaya Yaovi (Africa)
o Yaz Alexander o Yellowman o Young Elderz
o Young Warrior Sound o Youth Of Spirit (Belgium) o Yvad
o Zaggarah (Canada) o Zahira o Zally
o Zema o Zerby o Ziggi Recado (NL)
o Ziggy Marley o Zimzalabim (Sweden) o Zion Train
o Zvuloon Dub System

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